dictyNews Electronic Edition Volume 37, number 5 August 26, 2011 Please submit abstracts of your papers as soon as they have been accepted for publication by sending them to dicty@northwestern.edu or by using the form at http://dictybase.org/db/cgi-bin/dictyBase/abstract_submit. Back issues of dictyNews, the Dicty Reference database and other useful information is available at dictyBase - http://dictybase.org. Follow dictyBase on twitter: http://twitter.com/dictybase ========= Abstracts ========= Structure, dynamics, lipid-binding, and physiological relevance of the putative GTPase-binding domain of Dictyostelium Formin C Sonja A. Dames 1, Alexander Junemann 2, Hans J. Sass 3, Andre Schoenichen 4, Barbara E., Stopschinski 4, Stephan Grzesiek 3, Jan Faix 2, and Matthias Geyer 4. 1) Chair of Biomolecular NMR Spectroscopy, Department of Chemistry, Technische UniversitŠt Mźnchen, Lichtenbergstr. 4, 85747 Garching, Germany; 2) Institute for Biophysical Chemistry, Hannover Medical School, 30623 Hannover, Germany; 3) Department of Structural Biology, Biozentrum, University of Basel, Klingelbergstr. 70, 4056 Basel, Switzerland; 4) Department of Physical Biochemistry, Max-Planck-Institut fźr Molekulare Physiologie, Otto-Hahn-Str. 11, 44227 Dortmund, Germany J. Biol. Chem., in press Dictyostelium Formin C (ForC) is involved in the regulation of local actin cytoskeleton reorganization, e.g. during cellular adhesion or migration. ForC contains formin homology (FH) 2 and 3 domains and an N-terminal putative GTPase-binding domain (GBD), but lacks a canonical FH1 region. To better understand the role of the GBD, its structure, dynamics, lipid-binding properties, and cellular functions were analyzed by NMR and CD spectroscopy and by in vivo fluorescence microscopy. Moreover, the program CS-Rosetta was tested for the structure prediction based on chemical shift data only. The ForC GBD adopts an ubiquitin-like alpha/beta-roll fold with an unusually long loop between beta-strands 1 and 2. Based on the lipid-binding data, the presence of DPC micelles induces the formation of alpha-helical secondary structure and a rearrangement of the tertiary structure. Lipid-binding studies with a mutant protein and a peptide suggest that the beta1-beta2-loop is not relevant for these conformational changes. Whereas small amounts of negatively charged phosphoinositides (PIP45, PIP345) lower the micelle concentration necessary to induce the observed spectral changes, other negatively charged phospholipids (PS, PG) had no such effect. Interestingly, bicelles and micelles composed of diacylphosphocholines had no effect on the GBD structure. Our data suggest a model, in which part of the large positively charged surface area of the GBD mediates localization to specific membrane patches, thereby regulating interactions with signaling proteins. Our cellular localization studies show that both, the GBD and the FH3 domain, are required for ForC targeting to cell-cell contacts and early phagocytic cups and macropinosomes. Submitted by Jan Faix [faix.jan@mh-hannover.de] ============================================================== [End dictyNews, volume 37, number 5]