dictyNews Electronic Edition Volume 40, number 19 August 8, 2014 Please submit abstracts of your papers as soon as they have been accepted for publication by sending them to dicty@northwestern.edu or by using the form at http://dictybase.org/db/cgi-bin/dictyBase/abstract_submit. Back issues of dictyNews, the Dicty Reference database and other useful information is available at dictyBase - http://dictybase.org. Follow dictyBase on twitter: http://twitter.com/dictybase ========= Abstracts ========= TITLE: Comparison of Dictyostelium LvsB and endosomal fission defect mutants support a fusion regulatory role for LvsB AUTHORS: Kristin Falkenstein and Arturo De Lozanne Section of Molecular Cell & Developmental Biology and Institute for Cellular and Molecular Biology, University of Texas at Austin, Austin, TX 78712. JOURNAL: Journal of Cell Science ABSTRACT: Defects in human Lyst are associated with the lysosomal disorder Chediak Higashi Syndrome. The absence of Lyst results in the formation of enlarged lysosome related compartments but the mechanism for how these compartments arise is not well established. Two opposing models have been proposed to explain Lyst function. The fission model describes Lyst as a positive regulator of fission from lysosomal compartments, while the fusion model identifies Lyst as a negative regulator of fusion between lysosomal vesicles. Here we used assays that can distinguish between defects in vesicle fusion versus fission. We compared the phenotype of Dictyostelium cells defective in LvsB, the ortholog of Lyst, with that of two known fission defect mutants (΅3 and WASH null mutants). We found that the temporal localization characteristics of the post-lysosomal marker vacuolin, as well as vesicular acidity and fusion dynamics of LvsB null cells are distinct from those of both ΅3 and WASH null fission defect mutants. These distinctions are predicted by the fusion defect model and implicate LvsB as a negative regulator of vesicle fusion. Submitted by Arturo De Lozanne [a.delozanne@utexas.edu] ΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡ A simple optical configuration for cell tracking by dark-field microscopy Vlatka Antolovic, Maja Marinovic, Vedrana Filic, Igor Weber Journal of Microbiological Methods (2014), pp. 9-11 DOI information: 10.1016/j.mimet.2014.06.006 http://authors.elsevier.com/a/1PT8Kc8NxIVdE (free download until September 21, 2014) We describe a simple optical configuration for dark-field microscopy at low magnification, realized with the use of standard microscope components. An inherent high contrast makes this method attractive for computer-assisted tracking and counting of microorganisms. We applied this setup for dark-field microscopy to measure the speed of migrating Dictyostelium amoebae. Submitted by Vedrana Filic [vedrana.filic@irb.hr] ΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡΡ Actin and PIP3 waves in giant cells reveal the inherent length scale of an excited state Matthias Gerhardt, Mary Ecke, Michael Walz, Andreas Stengl, Carsten Beta, and GŸnther Gerisch Journal of Cell Science, accepted The membrane and actin cortex of a motile cell can autonomously differentiate into two states, one typical of the front, the other of the tail. On the substrate-attached surface of Dictyostelium cells, dynamic patterns of front-like and tail-like states are generated that are best suited to monitor transitions between these states. To image large-scale pattern dynamics independent of boundary effects, we produced giant cells by electric-pulse induced cell fusion. In these cells actin waves are coupled to the front and back of PIP3-rich bands that have a finite width. These composite waves propagate across the plasma membrane of the giant cells with undiminished velocity. After any disturbance, the bands of PIP3 return to their intrinsic width. Upon collision, the waves locally annihilate each other and change direction; at the cell border they are either extinguished or reflected. Accordingly, expanding areas of progressing PIP3 synthesis become unstable beyond a critical radius, their center switching from a front-like to a tail-like state. Our data suggest that PIP3 patterns in normal-sized cells are segments of the self-organizing patterns that evolve in giant cells. Submitted by GŸnther Gerisch [gerisch@biochem.mpg.de] ============================================================== [End dictyNews, volume 40, number 19]