Dictyostelium Mutants

Phenotypes for Dictyostelium mutants

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Systematic Name Strain Descriptor Associated gene(s) Phenotypes
DBS0351382 myoB-/ [act15]: GFP: myoB(1-921,1057-1111)myoBabolished protein localization to actin wave
DBS0266705Dd5P1-/ Dd5P2-Dd5P1 | Dd5P2increased chemotaxis to cAMP
DBS0266704Dd5P1-/ Dd5P3-Dd5P1 | Dd5P3increased chemotaxis to cAMP
DBS0266703Dd5P2-/ Dd5P3-Dd5P2 | Dd5P3wild type
DBS0351414Dd5P4-/ [act15]: GFP: Dd5P4(D319G)Dd5P4increased contractile vacuole size | aberrant contractile vacuole discharge | aberrant protein localization to contractile vacuole
DBS0302615GFP: phgA(1-274: 283-438)/ phgA-phgAaberrant hypotonic response
DBS0236084GP138A-/ GP138B-/ GP138C-/ GP138D-cfrA | cfrB | cfrC | cfrDdecreased gene expression
DBS0351312HSPC300-/ [act15]: abpB(129-295)abpB | hspc300aberrant cellular process
DBS0236917SA219dscA-1 | dscA-2 | dscC-1 | dscC-2 | dscD-1 | dscD-2 | dscEabolished gene expression
SA31SA31dscA-1 | dscA-2 | dscC-1 | dscC-2 | dscD-1 | dscD-2 | dscEabolished gene expression | abolished stream development | aberrant microtubule cytoskeleton organization | decreased establishment of cell polarity
DBS0350570[AS]PARPDDB_G0286613 | DDB_G0289141 | adprt1A | adprt1B | adprt2 | adprt3 | adprt4 | pARTf | pARTgdecreased cell death | aberrant positive regulation of mitochondrial membrane potential
DBS0237228[AS]cfrA/ [AS]cfrBcfrA | cfrBdecreased sexual fusion
DBS0351041[AS]hspA/ [AS]ndkC-1hspA | ndkC-1 | ndkC-2wild type
DBS0350355[AS]proA-/ proB-/ lmpA-lmpA | proA | proBabolished sporulation | wild type
DBS0351311[AS]proA/ abpB(129-295)abpB | proAaberrant cellular process
DBS0236827[AS]proA/ proB-proA | proBdecreased exocytosis | decreased pinocytosis | aberrant exocytosis | increased actin filament polymerization | development arrests at slug stage | aberrant cytokinesis | decreased cell motility | abolished vegetative growth | decreased secretion of lysosomal enzymes | increased phagocytosis
DBS0238036[AS]proA/ proB-/ [act15]: proAproA | proBwild type
DBS0238037[AS]proA/ proB-/ [act15]: proBproA | proBwild type
DBS0238035[AS]proA/ proB-/ [unk]: FLAG: proCproA | proB | proCwild type
DBS0350334[AS]proA/ proB-/ scrA-proA | proB | scrAdecreased exocytosis | decreased pinocytosis | decreased secretion of lysosomal enzymes
DBS0302685[OE]: sgcA(1-2000)(N1106A): GFP/ gca-/ sgcA-gcA | sgcAdecreased chemotaxis rate
DBS0302683[OE]: sgcA(878-2843)(N1106A): GFP/ gca-/ sgcA-gcA | sgcAdecreased chemotaxis rate
DBS0302681[OE]: sgcA(878-2843): GFP/ sgcA-gcA | sgcAaberrant chemotaxis to cAMP | decreased chemotaxis rate
DBS0302682[OE]: sgcA(N1106A): GFP/ gca-/ sgcA-gcA | sgcAincreased lateral pseudopodium formation | aberrant chemotaxis to cAMP | aberrant stream morphology | decreased chemotaxis rate
DBS0302684[OE]: sgcA: GFP/ gca-/ sgcA-gcA | sgcAincreased lateral pseudopodium formation | decreased chemotaxis rate
DBS0350322[act15]: FLAG: hbx4/ [act15]: cadAcadA | hbx4wild type
DBS0350441[act15]: GFP: talA/ mhcA-/ talA-mhcA | talAaberrant protein localization
DBS0350986[act15]: YFP: myoC(G395A)myoCdecreased pinocytosis | aberrant mitotic spindle organization | decreased phagocytosis
DBS0351059[act15]: gshB/ [AS]gpaBgpaB | gshBaberrant stream morphology | decreased establishment of cell polarity | decreased sporulation
DBS0350397[act15]: ifkA(881-1514(K1258G,F1320L))ifkAdecreased growth rate | increased protein level
DBS0350050[act15]: myc: cdk8/ [act15]: FLAG: cycCcdk8 | cycCprecocious development of tipped mound
DBS0351051[act15]: myc: talA(2255-2492)/ puf118(677-1036)puf118 | talAaberrant chemotaxis to cAMP | abolished protein localization to leading edge
DBS0351040[act15]: snfA(1-379): GFP/ [AS]ndkC-1ndkC-1 | ndkC-2 | snfAwild type
DBS0350911[act6]: GFP: cepA/ cepA(183-346)cepAincreased number of centrosomes
DBS0351551[act6]: GFP: lmnB(1-712)/ S122AlmnBaberrant intermediate filament bundle assembly
DBS0350498[act6]: GFP: rab2A(N118I)rab2Aaberrant cell-cell adhesion | aberrant hypotonic response | increased growth rate | precocious development
DBS0350499[act6]: GFP: rab2A(Q64L)rab2Adecreased autophagic cell death | aberrant cell-cell adhesion | aberrant sorocarp development | aberrant hypotonic response | increased growth rate | increased phagocytosis
DBS0350706[cotC]: pkaC/ [spiA]: lacZpkaC | spiAprecocious gene expression
DBS0350700[ecmA]: pkaR(G135E/ G261A)/ [ecmB-frag]: lacZpkaRabolished stalk cell differentiation
DBS0350196[pkaC]: pkaC/ nsfA(A1854T,T1984A,C2131A,A2398T,T2574A)nsfA | pkaCdecreased spore cell differentiation
DBS0350696[pkaC]: pkaC/ srfA-pkaC | srfAaberrant spore coat morphology | aberrant gene expression
DBS0351463[tet]rasD(G12T)/ rigA-rasD | rigAwild type
DBS0350494[tgrB1]: [RNAi]abcB3/ [tgrC1]: GFPabcB3delayed development | decreased cAMP level
DBS0350837[unk]: rasD(G12T)/ [rasD]: rapArapA | rasDincreased number of mound tips | aberrant culmination | decreased prespore cell differentiation | aberrant gene expression | decreased stalk cell differentiation
DBS0238439[unk]: scrA(97-443): GFPscrAaberrant cytokinesis | increased vegetative cell size | decreased chemotaxis to cAMP | aberrant cytoskeleton organization
DBS0350056[unk]: tubA: GFP/ RNAi]cepGcepG | tubAaberrant cytokinesis | aberrant microtubule cytoskeleton organization | aberrant protein localization to nuclear envelope | aberrant centromere complex assembly
DBS0351237[unk]: tubA: GFP/ [RNAi]cepLcepL | tubAdecreased growth rate | aberrant cytokinesis | aberrant microtubule cytoskeleton organization | aberrant centromere complex assembly
DBS0236539abcG2-/ abcG18-abcG18 | abcG2decreased rate of endocytosis | decreased growth rate | abolished vegetative growth
DBS0236540abcG2-/ abcG18-/ rtoA-abcG18 | abcG2 | rtoAdecreased growth rate | abolished vegetative growth
DBS0351535abiA-/ pirA-/ AX2abiA | pirAaberrant macropinocytosis | decreased cell motility | aberrant cell morphology
DBS0266689abiA-/ scrA-abiA | scrAdecreased cell motility | decreased vegetative cell size
DBS0235456abpA-/ abpC-abpA | abpCdecreased pinocytosis | decreased phagocytosis | decreased growth rate | decreased cell motility | aberrant sorocarp development | aberrant cell-cell adhesion | aberrant hyperosmotic response
DBS0351087abpB-/ abpA-abpA | abpBdecreased pinocytosis | decreased growth rate | increased cell-cell adhesion | decreased vegetative cell size | aberrant fruiting body morphogenesis | aberrant hyperosmotic response | precocious gene expression | decreased chemotaxis to cAMP
DBS0351088abpB-/ abpC-abpB | abpCdecreased prespore gene expression | decreased prestalk gene expression | aberrant fruiting body morphogenesis | aberrant hyperosmotic response | decreased chemotaxis to cAMP
DBS0235425abpB-/ fimA-abpB | fimAdecreased vegetative cell size | decreased fruiting body size | decreased sporulation
DBS0350938abpC-/ [act15]: abpCabpCwild type
DBS0351553abpC-/ [act15]: qkgA(425-1553)abpC | qkgA-1 | qkgA-2aberrant actin filament polymerization
DBS0350720acaA-/ [acaA-agg]: acaA: mycacaAdecreased gene expression | decreased fruiting body size
DBS0350721acaA-/ [acaA-psp]: acaA: mycacaAdecreased gene expression | decreased mound size | decreased fruiting body size
DBS0350722acaA-/ [acaA-pst]: acaA: mycacaAwild type
DBS0350702acaA-/ [act15]: HA: pkaCacaA | pkaCwild type | delayed development | decreased cAMP level
DBS0350725acaA-/ [act15]: HA: pkaC/ acrA-acaA | acrA | pkaCdecreased gene expression | abolished adenylate cyclase activity | development arrests at tipped mound stage
DBS0350737acaA-/ [act15]: acaAacaAaberrant slug development
DBS0350738acaA-/ [act15]: acaA(1-390;398-1407)acaAabolished aggregation
DBS0350739acaA-/ [act15]: acaA(L394T/ K482N)acaAwild type
DBS0350603acaA-/ [act15]: cap: GFPacaA | capdevelopment arrests at loose mound stage | increased calcium-dependent cell-cell adhesion | wild type
DBS0350735acaA-/ [act15]: pkaR(G135E/ G261A)acaA | pkaRincreased cAMP level
DBS0350736acaA-/ [unk]: acaA(F306L/ S498G,K504E,E593V,I649T)acaAdecreased gene expression | abolished oscillatory cAMP signaling | decreased cAMP level
DBS0350711acaA-/ [unk]: acgAacaA | acgAaberrant sorocarp development
DBS0306126acapA-/ acapB-acapA | acapBdecreased sporulation
DBS0350194acbA-/ [act15]: acbA(Y72A)acbAabolished spore cell differentiation
AK1211acbA-/ tagA-acbA | tagAincreased prestalk B cell differentiation
DBS0350724acrA-/ [pkaC]: pkaCacrA | pkaCdecreased spore germination | decreased fruiting body size | precocious development | decreased sporulation
DBS0351190adcC-/ [act15]: adcC(1-485)adcCdecreased protein localization to plasma membrane
DBS0351189adcC-/ [act15]: adcC(101-654): GFPadcCabolished protein localization to plasma membrane
DBS0350445adcC-/ adcB-adcB | adcCincreased oscillatory cAMP signaling | aberrant endocytosis | delayed aggregation | aberrant regulation of protein kinase activity
DBS0350541adprt1A-/ adprt2-adprt1A | adprt2decreased resistance to phleomycin | decreased double-strand break repair via nonhomologous end joining | decreased resistance to cisplatin
DBS0351603agnA-/ agnB-agnA | agnBaberrant production of siRNA involved in RNA interference | increased gene expression
HW520agtA-/ gnt1(1-253/ H104D)agtA | gnt1development arrests at slug stage
DBS0349951ampA-/ lmbd2B-ampA | lmbd2Baberrant chemotaxis
DBS0349963ampA-/ sma-ampA | smaincreased chemotaxis to folate | increased cell-substrate adhesion
BS165amtA-/ amtC-amtA | amtCdecreased protein localization to nucleus | aberrant slug migration | decreased ammonia level | delayed gene expression
BS169amtB-/ amtA-amtA | amtBdecreased ammonia level
BS168amtB-/ amtC-amtB | amtCdecreased ammonia level
BS163amtC-/ dhkC-amtC | dhkCaberrant gene expression
DBS0236890amtC-/ regA-amtC | regAprecocious sporulation
DBS0350299aph1-/ ncstn-aph1 | ncstndecreased phagocytosis | decreased prespore cell differentiation
DBS0350300aph1-/ psenA-aph1 | psenAaberrant culmination | abolished catalytic activity | decreased prespore cell differentiation
DBS0350000arpB+/ aprB-/ [act15]: myc: arpB(T235A/ T236A)arpBwild type
DBS0349998arpB+/ aprB-/ [act15]: myc: arpB(Y200F/ T235A/ T236A)arpBdecreased actin filament polymerization | delayed aggregation | decreased fruiting body size | decreased establishment of cell polarity | decreased chemotaxis to cAMP | delayed gene expression
DBS0350206arpin-/ [act15]: GFP: arpinarpinwild type
DBS0266655atg1-/ iplA-atg1 | iplAdecreased necrotic cell death
DBS0252632atg1-/ pcp-atg1 | pcpabolished autophagosome organization
DBS0351613atg1-/ tsg101-atg1 | tsg101decreased defense response to Gram-positive bacterium
DBS0350838atg1-/ vmp1-atg1 | vmp1wild type | abolished protein localization to autophagosome
DBS0351576atg5-/ abpB-/ [dscB]: abpB(D93A/ D95A/ D97A): GFPabpB | atg5aberrant cellular component organization | abolished vegetative growth
DBS0351583atg5-/ atg12-atg12 | atg5increased cell death | decreased catalytic activity | decreased growth rate | decreased phagocytosis | increased protein modification | decreased macropinocytosis | aberrant fruiting body morphogenesis
DBS0351584atg5-/ atg12-/ tipD-atg12 | atg5 | tipDincreased cell death | decreased catalytic activity | decreased growth rate | aberrant phagocytosis | increased protein modification | decreased macropinocytosis | aberrant fruiting body morphogenesis | increased growth rate
DBS0351477atg7-/ [act15]: YFP: atg7(C563A)atg7aberrant sorus morphology | decreased spore germination | delayed development
DBS0351479atg7-/ [act15]: pkaC: YFPatg7 | pkaCdecreased gene expression | decreased sporulation
DBS0351224atg8a-/ atg8b-atg8a | atg8bincreased cell death | decreased catalytic activity | decreased growth rate | decreased phagocytosis | increased protein modification | aberrant sorocarp development | aberrant lysosome organization
DBS0350535atg9-/ [act15]: cdcD(R154C): RFPatg9 | cdcDdecreased growth rate | decreased phototaxis
DBS0351589atg9-/ [act15]: cdcD(R154C/ E219K): RFPatg9 | cdcDwild type
DBS0350534atg9-/ [act15]: cdcD: RFPatg9 | cdcDdecreased growth rate | aberrant fruiting body morphogenesis | abolished phototaxis
DBS0351480atg9-/ [act15]: pkaC: YFPatg9 | pkaCabolished sporulation
DBS0350731atg9-/ tipD-atg9 | tipDdecreased pinocytosis | aberrant phagosome maturation | development arrests at tipped mound stage
DBS0351266carA-/ [act15]: gpbA: YFPcarA-1 | carA-2 | gpbAabolished aggregation
DBS0350431carA-/ [unk]: carA(261-359;S299A,S302G,S303G,S304G,S308A,S324G,S325A,S331A)(369-392;S383A,S385A): eYFPcarA-1 | carA-2aberrant adaptation of signaling pathway | aberrant protein localization to plasma membrane
RI9carA-/ carC-carA-1 | carA-2 | carCdecreased gene expression | abolished protein localization to plasma membrane
RI4carA-/ carC-carA-1 | carA-2 | carCdecreased actin filament polymerization | abolished activation of GTPase activity | abolished aggregation | abolished cGMP-mediated signaling | abolished chemotaxis to cAMP
DBS0350568carA-/ carC-/ [act15]: carA(261-359;S299A,S302G,S303G,S304G,S308A,S324G,S325A,S331A)(369-392;S383A,S385A)carA-1 | carA-2 | carCabolished stream development | aberrant activation of adenylate cyclase activity | aberrant chemotaxis to cAMP | aberrant oscillatory cAMP signaling | aberrant actin filament polymerization
DBS0235570carB-carBdevelopment arrests at mound stage
DBS0350528chdC-/ [ecmA]: lacZchdCdecreased prestalk cell differentiation
DBS0350527chdC-/ [pspA]: lacZchdCdecreased prespore cell differentiation
DBS0351521corA-/ [act15]: FLAG: corA(1-432)corAabolished aggregation
DBS0350851corA-/ aip1-aip1 | corAaberrant endocytosis | aberrant cytokinesis | increased actin filament polymerization | development arrests at mound stage | decreased growth rate | aberrant nucleus morphology | increased vegetative cell size | increased protein level | decreased chemotaxis to cAMP
DBS0351412corA-/ mhcA-corA | mhcAaberrant cytokinesis
DBS0351413corA-/ piaA-corA | piaAaberrant cytokinesis
TL53cotA-/ cotB-cotA | cotBaberrant spore coat morphology
TL56cotA-/ cotB-/ cotC-cotA | cotB | cotCdecreased spore germination | aberrant spore coat morphology | abolished cellulose binding
TL57cotA-/ cotB-/ cotC-cotA | cotB | cotCaberrant spore coat morphology
TL54cotB-/ cotC-cotB | cotCaberrant spore coat morphology
HG1772crtA-/ cnxA-cnxA | crtAdecreased calcium ion import | decreased growth rate | delayed response to cAMP | decreased phagocytosis | aberrant calcium-mediated signaling
TL73csaA-/ csbA-/ csbC-/ csbC-csaA | csbA | csbB | csbCincreased stalk width | aberrant late culminant morphology
TL122csaA-/ tgrC1-csaA | tgrC1abolished calcium-independent cell-cell adhesion
TL72csbA-/ csbB-/ csbC-csbA | csbB | csbCincreased resistance to cisplatin | aberrant cytokinesis | aberrant late culminant morphology
DBS0304928ctnnA-/ mhcA-ctnnA | mhcAaberrant cytokinesis
DBS0237568ctxA-/ [RNAi]enlActxA | enlAwild type
DBS0235599ctxA-/ ctxB-ctxA | ctxBabolished stream development | aberrant cellular response to fluid shear stress | abolished adenylate cyclase activity | increased lateral pseudopodium formation | aberrant cytokinesis | development arrests at mound stage | aberrant chemotaxis to cAMP | decreased cell motility | aberrant regulation of GTPase activity | aberrant cell morphology | abolished aggregation | aberrant regulation of protein kinase activity | increased bleb assembly
DBS0350293ctxA-/ ctxB-/ [act15]: GFP: arcAarcA | ctxA | ctxBaberrant protein localization to cell cortex
DBS0349972ctxA-/ ctxB-/ [act15]: acaA: YFPacaA | ctxA | ctxBaberrant fruiting body morphogenesis
DBS0349973ctxA-/ ctxB-/ [act15]: carA: YFPcarA-1 | carA-2 | ctxA | ctxBabolished stream development | abolished adenylate cyclase activity | development arrests at tight mound stage
DBS0266760culB-/ pkaR-culB | pkaRabolished sporulation | precocious prestalk gene expression | abolished aggregation | abolished prespore gene expression
DBS0349807detA-/ [act6]: GFP: detAdetAwild type
DBS0349816detA-/ [act6]: GFP: detA/ [act6]: 3xHA: culDculD | detAincreased gene expression
DBS0349817detA-/ [act6]: GFP: detA/ [act6]: 3xHA: repEdetA | repEincreased gene expression
DBS0350393dgat1-/ dgat2-dgat1 | dgat2abolished lipid droplet formation | decreased growth rate | increased sporulation | aberrant endoplasmic reticulum membrane organization
DBS0349917dgcA-/ [act15]: dgcA(1-124): YFPdgcAdevelopment arrests at slug stage
DBS0349918dgcA-/ [act15]: dgcA(1-273): YFPdgcAdevelopment arrests at slug stage
DBS0349916dgcA-/ [act15]: dgcA(350-521): YFPdgcAdevelopment arrests at slug stage
DBS0350665dhkA-/ [act15]: dhkA(D2076N)dhkAdecreased sporulation
DBS0350664dhkA-/ [act15]: dhkA(H1396Q)dhkAdecreased sporulation
DBS0350666dhkA-/ [act15]: dhkA(H2396Q)/ [act15]: dhkA(D2076N)dhkAwild type
TL134dhkA-/ dhkB-dhkA | dhkBabolished sporulation | increased stalk length | decreased stalk width
HR49dhkA-/ fbxA-dhkA | fbxAaberrant fruiting body morphogenesis | decreased sporulation | decreased cAMP level
HR51dhkA-/ fbxA-dhkA | fbxAaberrant fruiting body morphogenesis | decreased sporulation
HR50dhkA-/ fbxA-dhkA | fbxAabolished culmination | decreased sporulation
DBS0350663dhkA-/ pkaR-dhkA | pkaRdecreased sporulation
DBS0350662dhkA-/ regA-dhkA | regAdecreased sporulation
DBS0235714dhkK-/ regA-dhkK | regAprecocious development
DBS0235899dimA-/ dimB-dimA | dimBincreased migratory slug size | increased standing slug length | aberrant chemotaxis to cAMP | decreased standing slug width
DBS0351395dlpA-/ dlpB-dlpA | dlpBaberrant cytokinesis
HM1196dmtA-/ stlA-dmtA | stlBdecreased outer basal disc size | decreased prestalk O cell differentiation
DBS0350561dnapkcs-/ adprt2-adprt2 | dnapkcsdecreased resistance to phleomycin | decreased resistance to cisplatin
DBS0351060dnapkcs-/ exo1-dnapkcs | exo1decreased resistance to phleomycin
DBS0350459docD-/ docA-docA | docDaberrant fruiting body morphogenesis | delayed development | decreased chemotaxis to cAMP
HAD205dpoA-/ gskA-dpoA | gskAaberrant sorocarp development
DBS0302608dsgg(1-571: 581-733)/ dsgg-dsggaberrant contractile vacuole organization | aberrant cellular localization
DBS0302606dsgg-/ [OE]: GFP: lvsDdsgg | lvsDwild type
DBS0302607dsgg-/ [OE]: lvsAdsgg | lvsAaberrant contractile vacuole organization
DBS0302611dsgg-/ [OE]: phgAdsgg | phgAaberrant contractile vacuole organization
DBS0302604dsgg-/ lvsA-dsgg | lvsAwild type
DBS0302605dsgg-/ lvsD-dsgg | lvsDaberrant contractile vacuole organization
DBS0235927dstA-/ dstB-dstA | dstBwild type
DBS0235932dstB-/ dstC-dstB | dstCwild type
DBS0350414dydA-/ dydA(1-278: 501-1211)dydAdecreased protein localization to cell cortex | increased myosin II assembly | increased actin filament polymerization | aberrant chemotaxis to cAMP
DBS0350415dydA-/ dydA(1-586: 703-1211)dydAdecreased protein localization to cell cortex | decreased chemotaxis to cAMP
DBS0350803dymA-/ ehd-dymA | ehdaberrant phagosome maturation | decreased protein processing in phagocytic vesicle
DBS0350521egeA-/ [unk]: pkaCegeA | pkaCdecreased gene expression | abolished aggregation
DBS0350804ehd-/ [act15]: dymA: GFPdymA | ehdaberrant phagosome maturation | decreased protein processing in phagocytic vesicle
DBS0302598elmoA-/ [act15]: elmoA(1-903/ 959-977): GFPelmoAdecreased cell motility | increased phagocytosis
DBS0302474epnA-/ [act15]: epnA(R65A/ K78A): GFPepnAaberrant spore morphology | abolished protein localization to plasma membrane | abolished phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate binding | abolished protein localization to clathrin-coated pit | abolished protein phosphorylation
DBS0302475epnA-/ [act15]: epnA(T107A): GFPepnAaberrant spore morphology | abolished protein localization to plasma membrane
DBS0350681erkA-/ [act15]: gpaEerkA | gpaEwild type
DBS0350029erkA-/ [act15]: mekA: FLAGerkA | mekAincreased protein localization to cell cortex
DBS0351474erkA-/ regA-erkA | regAdecreased mound size | aberrant fruiting body morphogenesis
DBS0350682erkB-/ [unk]: erkB(P140S)erkBabolished sporulation
DBS0235949erkB-/ regA-erkB | regAincreased oscillatory cAMP signaling | abolished aggregation
HR46fbxA-/ regA-fbxA | regAaberrant fruiting body morphogenesis | decreased sporulation
HR48fbxA-/ regA-fbxA | regAaberrant fruiting body morphogenesis | decreased sporulation
DBS0350129fcsB-/ fcsA-fcsA | fcsBdecreased catalytic activity | decreased growth rate | delayed development
DBS0350955fhbA-/ fhbB-fhbA | fhbBaberrant cellular response to stress
HM1351 fncD2-/ rev3-fncD2 | rev3decreased resistance to cisplatin
HM1405fncD2-/ xpf-fncD2 | xpfdecreased resistance to cisplatin
DBS0235967forA-/ forB-forA | forBwild type
DBS0351307forE-/ forA-/ forH-forA | forE | forHaberrant cortical actin cytoskeleton organization | aberrant cytokinesis | aberrant sorocarp development | decreased cell motility | aberrant cell morphology
DBS0235978fszA-/ fszB- fszA | fszBaberrant mitochondrion morphology
DBS0350077gadA-/ gadB-gadA | gadBdelayed aggregation
DBS0350403gapA-/ iqgC-gapA | iqgCdecreased protein kinase activation | decreased chemotaxis to cAMP
DBS0349868gbpC-/ [act15]: gbpC(1-2331: 2470-2631): GFPgbpCaberrant stream morphology | decreased chemotaxis to cAMP
DBS0235996gbpC-/ gbpD-gbpC | gbpDdelayed aggregation | decreased chemotaxis rate | decreased establishment of cell polarity | increased bleb assembly
DBS0236000gca-/ sgcA-gcA | sgcAdecreased protein kinase activation
DBS0302679gca-/ sgcA-gcA | sgcAincreased lateral pseudopodium formation | aberrant activation of GTPase activity | aberrant chemotaxis to cAMP | aberrant taxis | aberrant stream morphology | decreased mound size | decreased chemotaxis rate | decreased fruiting body size
DBS0236095gdt1-/ gpaB-gdt1 | gpaBincreased gene expression | abolished aggregation
DBS0236010gefB-/ rasS-gefB | rasSdecreased phagocytosis | increased cell motility
DBS0351462gefE-/ uduB-gefE | uduBwild type
DBS0350823gefH-/ gefA-gefA | gefHdecreased actin filament polymerization | aberrant chemotaxis to cAMP | abolished activation of GTPase activity | decreased protein kinase activation | abolished aggregation
DBS0350814gflB-/ [act15]: GFP: gflB(380-1601,T1180E)gflBdecreased chemotaxis to cAMP
DBS0238605gpaA-/ rpkA-gpaA | rpkAdelayed aggregation | abolished aggregation
DBS0351103gpaB-/ [act15]: gpaB(C4A)gpaBabolished protein localization to plasma membrane | decreased cGMP-mediated signaling | abolished aggregation
DBS0351105gpaB-/ [act15]: gpaB(G207A)gpaBabolished protein localization to plasma membrane
DBS0351104gpaB-/ [act15]: gpaB(G2A)gpaBabolished protein localization to plasma membrane
DBS0351217gpaB-/ [act15]: gpaIgpaB | gpaIwild type
DBS0351267gpaB-/ [act15]: gpbA: YFPgpaB | gpbAabolished aggregation
DBS0351214gpaB-/ [act15]: rasG(S17N)gpaB | rasGabolished activation of GTPase activity
DBS0350373gpaB-/ regA-gpaB | regAdecreased number of mounds
DBS0350608gpaD-/ [act15]: gpaD(Q200L)gpaDdevelopment arrests at loose mound stage | decreased chemotaxis to folate | decreased protein kinase activation
DBS0350607gpaD-/ [act15]: gpaD(R107E,R108E)gpaDdevelopment arrests at slug stage | aberrant slug development
DBS0351269gpaD-/ [act6]: AEQgpaDaberrant calcium-mediated signaling
DBS0350374gpaD-/ regA-gpaD | regAaberrant aggregation | abolished slug migration | decreased sporulation
DBS0350378gpaD-/ regA-/ [ecmB]: lacZgpaD | regAincreased prestalk O cell differentiation
DBS0350678gpaE-/ [act15]: gpaE(K10E/ K11E)gpaEdelayed development of tipped mound | delayed gene expression
DBS0350624gpaE-/ erkA-erkA | gpaEwild type | decreased mound size | precocious development
LW17gpbA-/ [act15]: carCcarC | gpbAabolished aggregation
DBS0351260gpbA-/ [act15]: gpbA(A99T/ Y271H/ C335M)gpbAabolished activation of adenylate cyclase activity | aberrant fruiting body morphogenesis
DBS0351261gpbA-/ [act15]: gpbA(M30V/ K85R/ S104P/ Q163H)gpbAdevelopment arrests at mound stage | abolished activation of adenylate cyclase activity | decreased chemotaxis to cAMP
DBS0351263gpbA-/ [act15]: gpbA(M48T/ I52T/ E310G)gpbAwild type | decreased activation of adenylate cyclase activity | decreased gene expression | aberrant slug development
DBS0351259gpbA-/ [act15]: gpbA(N147D/ H149R/ N237S)gpbAdevelopment arrests at mound stage | abolished activation of adenylate cyclase activity | abolished chemotaxis to cAMP
DBS0351264gpbA-/ [act15]: gpbA(R13G/ N74S/ S79P/ H149R/ V178A/ V194R/ F293L)gpbAdecreased activation of adenylate cyclase activity | decreased gene expression | development arrests at tipped mound stage
DBS0351262gpbA-/ [act15]: gpbA(S196G/ V199D/ C211R)gpbAdecreased activation of adenylate cyclase activity | aberrant fruiting body morphogenesis
DBS0351258gpbA-/ [act15]: gpbA(V88A/ F229S/ D235V)gpbAabolished activation of adenylate cyclase activity | aberrant fruiting body morphogenesis | decreased chemotaxis to cAMP
DBS0351268gpbA-/ [act6]: AEQgpbAaberrant calcium-mediated signaling
HO547gpbA-/ [act6]: FRB: [act15]: RFP: gpbA/ [act15]: cnxA: CFP: FKBP/ [act15]: limE(1-145): GFPgpbAaberrant cortical actin cytoskeleton organization
DBS0351198gpbA-/ [act6]: yakAgpbA | yakAabolished vegetative growth
DBS0350078grlB-/ grlE-grlB | grlEdecreased small molecule binding | delayed aggregation
DBS0350284grlJ-/ [act15]: grlJ: GFPgrlJwild type
DBS0349881gskA-/ [act15]: gskA(Y214F)gskAabolished stream development
DBS0350260gskA-/ [unk]: pikA(1-492(S7D/ S11D/ S109D/ S113D/ S177D/ S181D))gskA | pikAwild type
DBS0351102gskA-/ glkA-glkA | gskAaberrant sorocarp development | decreased chemotaxis to cAMP | increased protein kinase activation
DBS0350269gxcT-/ [act15]: GFP: gxcTgxcTwild type
DBS0350656hatA-/ [hatB]: hatBhatA | hatBaberrant cellular response to stress
DBS0236131hbx2-/ warA-hbx2 | warAincreased basal disc size | development arrests at mound stage | decreased prespore cell differentiation | increased prestalk O cell differentiation
DBS0350880hbx9-/ [ecmA]: lacZhbx9increased prestalk A cell differentiation
DBS0350364hfnA-/ abpC-abpC | hfnAwild type | aberrant prestalk O cell differentiation | decreased phototaxis
DBS0305951hipA-/ epnA-epnA | hipAdecreased spore germination | aberrant spore morphology
BS161ifkA-/ ifkB-ifkA | ifkBincreased mound size | increased number of mound tips | increased cell-cell adhesion | increased cell-substrate adhesion | aberrant fruiting body morphogenesis
DBS0351436ireA-/ [act15]: ireA(K603N): GFPireAdecreased protein level | aberrant endoplasmic reticulum organization | aberrant cellular response to stress
DBS0351437ireA-/ [act15]: ireA(N927A): GFPireAdecreased protein level | aberrant endoplasmic reticulum organization | aberrant cellular response to stress
DBS0350959kif10-/ [act15]: dhcA(1384-4725)dhcA | kif10wild type
DBS0350042kif4-/ [act15]: dhcA(1384-4725)dhcA | kif4aberrant mitotic spindle organization
DBS0350947kif8-/ [act15]: dhcA(1384-4725)dhcA | kif8wild type
DBS0351457kil1-/ lrrkA-drkD | kil1aberrant defense response to bacterium
DBS0350044kil2-/ [act15]: kil1kil1 | kil2abolished defense response to bacterium
DBS0351458kil2-/ lrrkA-drkD | kil2aberrant defense response to bacterium
DBS0350875kil2-/ vps13F-kil2 | vps13Faberrant defense response to bacterium | decreased growth rate
DBS0350600krsB-/ krsA-krsA | krsBaberrant stream morphology | delayed development
DBS0350536ku80-/ dclre1-dclre1 | ku80wild type
DBS0236729limB-/ paxB-limB | paxBdevelopment arrests at mound stage
DBS0350565limD1-/ limC-limC | limD1delayed aggregation | aberrant cytokinesis | abolished vegetative growth | aberrant response to osmotic stress | decreased chemotaxis to cAMP | aberrant actin filament organization | decreased establishment of cell polarity
DBS0350453lpten-/ [act15]: lpten: RFPlptenwild type
DBS0350114lst8-/ [act15]: GFP: rheb(Q64L)lst8 | rhebincreased phagocytosis
DBS0350030mekA-/ [act15]: Myc: erkAerkA | mekAabolished protein localization to cell cortex
DBS0238098mekA-/ ppp4C-mekA | ppp4cdecreased mound size
DBS0238109mekA-/ ppp4C-/ [act15]: FLAG: pppCppp4cdecreased mound size | precocious development
DBS0236542mekA-/ smkA-mekA | smkAdecreased mound size
DBS0237564mhcA-/ [act15]: GFP: ctxA/ [RNAi]enlActxA | enlA | mhcAaberrant mitotic actomyosin contractile ring contraction
DBS0350489mhcA-/ [act15]: GFP: mhcA/ [RNAi]rmd1mhcA | rmd1abolished protein localization to cleavage furrow
DBS0350808mhcA-/ [act15]: mhcA(1-933: 1455-2116]mhcAwild type | aberrant cytokinesis | aberrant fruiting body morphogenesis
DBS0350668mhcA-/ forA-forA | mhcAabolished cell motility | decreased cell motility
DBS0351411mhcA-/ piaA-mhcA | piaAaberrant cytokinesis
CW0431mhkA-/ mhkB-/ mhkC-mhkA | mhkB | mhkCincreased myosin II assembly | decreased growth rate | aberrant cytokinesis | aberrant chemotaxis | decreased cell motility
DBS0236556mhkA-/ mhkC-mhkA | mhkCincreased myosin II assembly | decreased growth rate | aberrant cytokinesis
CW0394mhkA/ mhkBmhkA | mhkBincreased myosin II assembly | decreased growth rate | aberrant cytokinesis
DBS0350123midA-/ [act15]: GFP: atg18atg18 | midAincreased number of autophagosomes
DBS0350136midA-/ [act15]: GFP: tktmidA | tkt-1 | tkt-2increased autophagy
DBS0351180midA/ [act15]: midA(E200A)midAaberrant cellular homeostasis | decreased growth rate | decreased phototaxis
DBS0351182midA/ [act15]: midA(G170V/ G172V)midAaberrant cellular homeostasis | decreased growth rate | decreased phototaxis
DBS0351181midA/ [act15]: midA(N205A)midAaberrant cellular homeostasis | decreased growth rate | decreased phototaxis
DBS0350027mip1-/ [act15]: mekA: FLAGmekA | mip1-1 | mip1-2aberrant protein localization to cytoplasm
DBS0309109mipp1-/ dpoA-dpoA | mipp1aberrant inositol phosphate metabolic process | increased response to lithium
DBS0236561mkcA-/ tagB-mkcA | tagBdecreased sporulation
DBS0236562mkcA-/ tagC-mkcA | tagCdecreased sporulation
DBS0351550mlcR-/ [ecmAO]: GFPmlcRaberrant development of tipped mound
DBS0349988mrfA-/ dimB-/ [emcA]: lacZdimB | mrfAdecreased prestalk A cell differentiation
DBS0304881mrps4-mrps4delayed aggregation
DBS0351541mscS-/ mclN-/ pkd2-mcln | mscS | pkd2aberrant calcium-mediated signaling
DBS0304882mtDNA-DidioMp05 | DidioMp21 | DidioMp26 | DidioMp27 | DidioMp30 | DidioMp35 | DidioMp36 | ai2a | ai2b | ai3 | ai4 | atp1 | atp4 | atp6 | atp8 | atp9 | cox1/ 2 | cox3 | cytB | mrpl11 | mrpl14 | mrpl16 | mrpl2 | mrpl6 | mrps12 | mrps13 | mrps14 | mrps19 | mrps2 | mrps4 | mrps7 | mrps8 | nad1 | nad11 | nad2 | nad3 | nad4 | nad4L | nad5 | nad6 | nad7 | nad9 | rnlAabolished vegetative growth | abolished aggregation
DBS0351489mvpA-/ mvpB-mvpA | mvpBdecreased growth rate | aberrant cellular component organization
HDT5myoA-/ myoB-myoA | myoBdecreased pinocytosis | increased secretion of lysosomal enzymes | increased filopodium formation | aberrant aggregation | aberrant endosomal transport | decreased defense response to Gram-negative bacterium | aberrant cortical actin cytoskeleton organization | increased lateral pseudopodium formation | decreased growth rate | delayed aggregation | decreased cell motility | decreased fruiting body size | aberrant actin filament organization | decreased chemotaxis to cAMP | aberrant cytoskeleton organization
DBS0350990myoA-/ myoB-/ [act15]: myoBmyoA | myoBdelayed aggregation
DBS0350991myoA-/ myoB-/ [act15]: myoB(1-1057)myoA | myoBdecreased pinocytosis | decreased growth rate | aberrant actin filament organization
DBS0350992myoA-/ myoB-/ [act15]: myoB(S332)myoA | myoBdecreased pinocytosis | decreased growth rate | aberrant actin filament organization
DBS0351038myoA-/ myoF-myoA | myoFdecreased lateral pseudopodium retraction | decreased cell motility | decreased chemotaxis to cAMP | aberrant cell morphology | abolished aggregation
DBS0351378myoB-/ [act15]: GFP: myoB(1-720)myoBabolished protein localization to plasma membrane
DBS0351379myoB-/ [act15]: GFP: myoB(1-800,813-1111)myoBabolished protein localization to actin wave | abolished protein localization to plasma membrane
DBS0351380myoB-/ [act15]: GFP: myoB(713-1111)myoBabolished protein localization to leading edge
DBS0351367myoB-/ [act15]: myoB(S332A)myoBabolished protein phosphorylation
HDT6myoB-/ myoC-myoB | myoCincreased secretion of lysosomal enzymes | decreased pinocytosis | increased filopodium formation | decreased growth rate | decreased cell motility | decreased fruiting body size | aberrant actin filament organization | aberrant cytoskeleton organization
DBS0351031myoD-/ myoE-myoD | myoEdecreased fruiting body size
DBS0351034myoD-/ myoE-/ myoF-myoD | myoE | myoFdecreased actin filament polymerization | aberrant engulfment during phagocytosis | decreased chemotaxis to cAMP | decreased fruiting body size
DBS0351033myoD-/ myoF-myoD | myoFdecreased fruiting body size
DBS0351032myoE-/ myoF-myoE | myoFdecreased fruiting body size
DBS0351400myoI-/ [act15]: GFP: myoI(1-1020)myoIabolished protein localization to pseudopodium | decreased filopodium formation
DBS0351398myoI-/ [act15]: GFP: myoI(2057-2357)myoIincreased filopodium formation
DBS0351399myoI-/ [act15]: GFP: myoI(K23333A,K2336A)myoIincreased filopodium formation
SB14napA-/ pirA-napA | pirAdecreased actin filament polymerization
DBS0350301ncstn-/ psenA-ncstn | psenAaberrant culmination | decreased prespore cell differentiation
DBS0350125ndufaf5--/ [act15]: ndufaf5(G86V): GFP: TAPndufaf5decreased growth rate
DBS0350126ndufaf5--/ [act15]: ndufaf5(L165F): GFP: TAPndufaf5decreased growth rate
DBS0350127ndufaf5--/ [act15]: ndufaf5(L235P): GFP: TAPndufaf5decreased growth rate
DBS0350122ndufaf5-/ [act15]: GFP: atg18atg18 | ndufaf5increased number of autophagosomes
DBS0350134ndufaf5-/ [act15]: GFP: tktndufaf5 | tkt-1 | tkt-2increased autophagy
DBS0304634nfaA-/ rasG-nfaA | rasGdecreased establishment of cell polarity
DBS0350003nhe1-/ [act15]: GFP: aip1aip1 | nhe1decreased establishment of cell polarity | decreased chemotaxis to cAMP
DBS0350006nhe1-/ [act15]: GFP: aip1(E125A, E167A, F181A, F193A)aip1 | nhe1abolished aggregation | abolished chemotaxis to cAMP
DBS0350001nhe1-/ [act15]: aip1(168-597)aip1 | nhe1delayed development
DBS0350002nhe1-/ [act15]: aip1(383-597): FLAGaip1 | nhe1decreased actin filament polymerization | abolished establishment of cell polarity | abolished chemotaxis to cAMP
DBS0350509nlp-/ slp-nlp | slpdecreased actin filament polymerization | aberrant organelle organization | abolished protein localization to cytoplasmic vesicle | decreased chemotaxis to cAMP
DBS0236941nosA-/ sonA-nosA | sonAwild type
DBS0236610noxA-/ noxBnoxA | noxBabolished sporulation | aberrant sorocarp development | decreased superoxide generation
DBS0350768noxA-/ noxB-/ noxC-noxA | noxB | noxCaberrant defense response to bacterium
DBS0350093nrampB-/ nramp1-nramp1 | nrampBincreased number of tip-organizers | decreased defense response to Gram-negative bacterium | delayed aggregation
DBS0306169p2xA-/ p2xB-/ p2xC-/ p2xD-/ p2xE-p2xA | p2xB | p2xC | p2xD | p2xEdelayed hypotonic response | decreased growth rate
DBS0350430pakB-/ [act15]: RFP: abpE/ [act15]: GFP: pak(1-180)abpE-1 | abpE-2 | pakBwild type
DBS0236715pakB-/ pakC-pakB | pakCdecreased chemotaxis rate
DBS0350973paxB-/ [act15]: gpaHgpaH | paxBaberrant cytokinesis
DBS0304929paxB-/ mhcA-mhcA | paxBaberrant cytokinesis
DBS0235992pdeD-/ pdeE-pdeD | pdeEdecreased protein localization to cell cortex | decreased 3',5'-cyclic-GMP phosphodiesterase activity | decreased 3',5'-cyclic-AMP phosphodiesterase activity | decreased lateral pseudopodium formation | increased protein kinase activation
DBS0350893pdeD-/ pdeE-/ [unk]: pdeEpdeD | pdeEdelayed aggregation
DBS0350799pdkA-/ pdkB-pdkA | pdkBaberrant chemotaxis to cAMP | development arrests at mound stage | decreased protein kinase activation | decreased establishment of cell polarity
DBS0350819pdkA-/ pdkB-pdkA | pdkBaberrant sorocarp development
DBS0236742pefA-/ pefB-pefA | pefBwild type
DBS0236745pefB-/ cybA-cybA | pefBwild type
DBS0236746pefB-/ noxA-noxA | pefBwild type
DBS0236747pefB-/ noxA-/ [act15]: pefBnoxA | pefBaberrant sorocarp development
DBS0236748pefB-/ noxB-noxB | pefBwild type
DBS0236749pefB-/ noxC-noxC | pefBabolished sporulation | aberrant sorocarp development
DBS0305024pgtB-/ pgtC-pgtB | pgtCaberrant cellular metabolic process | aberrant spore coat morphology | aberrant hyperosmotic response
DBS0304869phg1A-/ [act15]: phg1A(1-276): phg1B221-587)phg1A | phg1Bdecreased phagocytosis
DBS0304868phg1A-/ [act15]: phg1Bphg1A | phg1Bincreased secretion of lysosomal enzymes | wild type | decreased cell-substrate adhesion | aberrant protein level | decreased phagocytosis
DBS0304870phg1A-/ [act15]: phg1B(1-220): phg1a(277-642)phg1A | phg1Bdecreased phagocytosis
DBS0304872phg1A-/ phg1B-phg1A | phg1Bincreased secretion of lysosomal enzymes | decreased cell-substrate adhesion | decreased phagocytosis | decreased growth rate | development arrests at tipped mound stage | abolished culmination
DBS0302610phgA-/ [OE]: dsggdsgg | phgAaberrant contractile vacuole organization
DBS0351455piaA(G917D)/ [unk]: GFP: piaA(G963E)piaAabolished aggregation
DBS0350882piaA(G917D)/ acrA-acrA | piaAabolished gene expression | abolished establishment of cell polarity | abolished chemotaxis to cAMP
DBS0350877piaA(G917D)/ hephA-hephA | piaAincreased response to cAMP | wild type | abolished activation of adenylate cyclase activity | decreased cAMP level
DBS0236766pikA-/ pikB-pikA | pikBaberrant negative chemotaxis | decreased response to bacterium | decreased actin filament polymerization | decreased activation of GTPase activity | abolished protein localization to plasma membrane | aberrant chemotaxis to cAMP | decreased cell motility | abolished protein kinase activation | abolished protein localization to trailing edge | decreased chemotaxis to folate | decreased chemotaxis to cAMP | decreased myosin II assembly
DBS0236773pikA-/ pikB-pikA | pikBabolished stream development | decreased pinocytosis | aberrant aggregation | decreased exocytosis | aberrant activation of adenylate cyclase activity | aberrant macropinocytosis | abolished protein localization to plasma membrane | delayed aggregation | decreased spore cell differentiation | increased cAMP level | abolished vegetative growth | aberrant sorocarp development | aberrant phagolysosome formation | aberrant phagosome maturation | decreased phosphatidylinositol biosynthesis | aberrant fruiting body morphogenesis | aberrant actin filament organization | aberrant cell morphology
HM1141pikA-/ pikB-pikA | pikBdecreased pinocytosis | decreased growth rate | decreased cell motility | decreased taxis
DBS0350471pikA-/ pikB-/ [act15]: GFP: capcap | pikA | pikBwild type
DBS0252703pikA-/ pikB-/ pikC-pikA | pikB | pikCdecreased protein localization to leading edge | increased cell motility
HM1200pikA-/ pikB-/ pikC-/ pikF-/ pikG-pikA | pikB | pikC | pikF | pikGaberrant aggregation | decreased pinocytosis | decreased protein tyrosine phosphorylation | increased chemotaxis to folate | aberrant macropinocytosis | decreased growth rate | decreased phagocytosis | decreased cell motility | increased bleb assembly | decreased chemotaxis to cAMP | aberrant protein localization to plasma membrane | aberrant signal transduction
HM1284pikA-/ pikB-/ pikC-/ pikF-/ pikG-/ pikH-pikA | pikB | pikC | pikF | pikG | pikHdecreased defense response to Gram-negative bacterium | decreased cell motility
HM1295pikA-/ pikB-/ pikC-/ pikF-/ pikG-/ pten-pikA | pikB | pikC | pikF | pikG | ptenaberrant aggregation | decreased defense response to Gram-negative bacterium | decreased growth rate | decreased cell motility | increased resistance to N-Phenylthiourea
DBS0238073pikA-/ pikB-/ plaA-pikA | pikB | plaAdecreased actin filament polymerization | delayed aggregation | aberrant chemotaxis to cAMP | abolished positive chemotaxis
DBS0350828pinA-/ [ecmAO]: lacZpinAaberrant prestalk cell differentiation
DBS0350827pinA-/ [pspA]: lacZpinAaberrant prespore cell differentiation
DBS0351206pirA-/ pirA(K193D/ R194D): EGFPpirAabolished protein localization to cell periphery | decreased protein phosphorylation
DBS0350708pkaC-/ [act6]: pkaC(303-648)pkaCwild type
DBS0350707pkaC-/ [act6]: pkaC(330-648)pkaCabolished aggregation
DBS0350710pkaC-/ [dscC]: LUCpkaCdecreased gene expression | increased macropinocytosis
DBS0236782pkaC-/ gdt1-gdt1 | pkaCincreased gene expression | abolished aggregation
DBS0350113pkbA-/ [act15]: GFP: rheb(Q64L)pkbA | rhebdecreased phagocytosis
DBS0236785pkbA-/ pkgB-pkbA | pkgBaberrant chemotaxis to cAMP | abolished vegetative growth | decreased chemotaxis rate | abolished protein phosphorylation | abolished aggregation | aberrant cellular response to extracellular stimulus | increased activation of GTPase activity | increased protein kinase activation
DBS0304640pkbA-/ pkgB-pkbA | pkgBaberrant cell motility | abolished vegetative growth
DBS0351317pkbA-/ pkgB-pkbA | pkgBaberrant macropinocytosis | abolished vegetative growth | abolished macropinocytosis
DBS0350919pkcA-/ [act15]: pldBpkcA | pldBaberrant aggregation | decreased sporulation
DBS0350917pkcA-/ [ecmA]: GFPpkcAaberrant prestalk gene expression
DBS0351542pkd2-/ iplA-iplA | pkd2aberrant calcium-mediated signaling
DBS0350831plaA-/ piaA-piaA | plaAdecreased taxis | decreased chemotaxis to cAMP | aberrant actin filament organization
DBS0350486plaA-/ sgcA-plaA | sgcAaberrant chemotaxis to cAMP
DBS0350487plaA-/ sgcA-/ pkgB-pkgB | plaA | sgcAaberrant chemotaxis to cAMP
DBS0351356ppk1-/ [act15]: GFP: hsp48hsp48 | ppk1decreased protein level
DBS0350304psenA-/ psenB-psenA | psenBincreased gene expression | abolished prespore cell differentiation | development arrests at mound stage | increased protein modification | decreased phagocytosis | aberrant calcium-mediated signaling | increased cAMP level | aberrant sorocarp development | decreased macropinocytosis | aberrant phagosome maturation | decreased protein processing in phagocytic vesicle | decreased prestalk gene expression | decreased stalk cell differentiation
DBS0350305psenA-/ psenB-/ [act15]: GFP: psenBpsenA | psenBwild type
DBS0350306psenA-/ psenB-/ [act15]: psenB(D348A/ D394A)psenA | psenBwild type
DBS0350298psenB-/ psenA-psenA | psenBaberrant culmination | decreased phagocytosis | abolished catalytic activity | decreased prespore cell differentiation
DBS0350829psrA-/ [unk]: FLAG: rasD(G12T)psrA | rasDincreased protein kinase activation
DBS0350454pten-/ [act15]: lpten: RFPlpten | ptenwild type
DBS0350754pten-/ [act15]: pten(186-515): GFPptenaberrant sorocarp development | decreased chemotaxis to cAMP
DBS0350755pten-/ [act15]: pten(C124S): GFPptenaberrant sorocarp development | decreased chemotaxis to cAMP
DBS0351587pten-/ [act15]: pten(G129E)ptenincreased lateral pseudopodium formation | aberrant localization
DBS0349888pten-/ gefS-gefS | ptenaberrant cytokinesis | decreased chemotaxis to cAMP
DBS0349891pten-/ pakA-pakA | ptendecreased chemotaxis to cAMP
DBS0349893pten-/ pakA-/ [act15]: pakA(T585A): GFPpakA | ptendecreased chemotaxis to cAMP
DBS0349900pten-/ pakA-/ [act15]: pakA(T585E): GFPpakA | ptenaberrant cytokinesis | decreased chemotaxis to cAMP
DBS0349899pten-/ pakA-/ [act15]: pakA: GFPpakA | ptenaberrant cytokinesis
DBS0349887pten-/ piaA-piaA | ptendecreased protein kinase activity | decreased chemotaxis to cAMP
DBS0349880pten-/ pkbA-pkbA | ptendecreased chemotaxis to cAMP
DBS0349886pten-/ pkgB-pkgB | ptenaberrant cytokinesis | increased protein kinase activation
DBS0350675ptpB-/ [act15]: 6xHis: erkAerkA | ptpBaberrant stream morphology
DBS0350579pyk3-/ phg2-phg2 | pyk3abolished gene expression | decreased protein phosphorylation | aberrant protein localization to nucleus
DBS0351348racE-/ [act15]: GFP: racE(G20V)racEdecreased protein phosphorylation | decreased chemotaxis to cAMP
DBS0351349racE-/ [act15]: GFP: racE(G23V)racEincreased protein phosphorylation
DBS0351350racE-/ [act15]: GFP: racE(S192D)racEincreased protein phosphorylation | wild type
DBS0351347racE-/ [act15]: GFP: racE(T25N)racEwild type
DBS0351614racE-/ [act15]: GFP: racE(T25N/ S192D)racEwild type
DBS0351351racE-/ [act15]: GFP: rasC(Q62L)racE | rasCdecreased protein phosphorylation
DBS0349949racE-/ [act15]: fttBfttB | racEdecreased growth rate
DBS0349946racE-/ [act15]: fttB: GFPfttB | racEabolished protein localization to cell cortex
DBS0350956racE-/ [act15]racE(G20V)racEwild type
DBS0350957racE-/ [act15]racE(T25N)racEabolished cytokinesis
DBS0350631rapgapB-/ [ecmA]: lacZrapgapBaberrant cell migration to prestalk region
DBS0350632rapgapB-/ [ecmO]: lacZrapgapBaberrant cell migration to prestalk region
DBS0350740rasC-/ [rasC]: rasGrasC | rasGabolished activation of adenylate cyclase activity | abolished aggregation
DBS0350742rasC-/ [rasC]: rasG(1-77(D30A)): rasC(79-189)rasC | rasGwild type
DBS0350741rasC-/ [rasC]: rasG(D30A)rasC | rasGaberrant aggregation | decreased activation of adenylate cyclase activity
DBS0236855rasC-/ dmpA-dmpA | rasCabolished stream development
DBS0236857rasC-/ rasD-rasC | rasDabolished aggregation
DBS0236858rasC-/ rasG-rasC | rasGaberrant cell separation during cytokinesis | wild type | aberrant cell motility | decreased activation of adenylate cyclase activity | decreased gene expression | abolished guanylyl cyclase activity | abolished chemotaxis to folate | decreased growth rate | aberrant chemotaxis to folate | abolished protein kinase activation | abolished vegetative growth | decreased cell motility | increased protein level | abolished aggregation | delayed gene expression | abolished chemotaxis to cAMP | abolished positive regulation of chemorepellant activity
DBS0266697rasC-/ rasG-/ [act15]: carAcarA-1 | carA-2 | rasC | rasGdecreased activation of adenylate cyclase activity | abolished activation of GTPase activity | decreased growth rate | abolished vegetative growth | abolished protein kinase activation | abolished cGMP-mediated signaling | abolished chemotaxis to cAMP
DBS0350480rasC-/ rasG-/ [rasG]: rasDrasC | rasD | rasGdecreased chemotaxis to folate
DBS0350482rasC-/ rasG-/ [rasG]: rasD(1-104): rasG(103-189)rasC | rasD | rasGdecreased chemotaxis to folate
DBS0350481rasC-/ rasG-/ [rasG]: rasGrasC | rasGwild type
DBS0350483rasC-/ rasG-/ [rasG]: rasG(1-104): rasD(103-187)rasC | rasD | rasGwild type
DBS0351062rasC-/ rasG-/ [unk]: carAcarA-1 | carA-2 | rasC | rasGdecreased protein localization to plasma membrane
DBS0351449rasC-/ rasS-rasC | rasSincreased macropinocytosis
DBS0351213rasC-[act15]: rasG(S17N)rasC | rasGabolished activation of GTPase activity | decreased chemotaxis to cAMP
DBS0236864rasG-/ [OE]: rasBrasB | rasGdecreased growth rate
DBS0351447rasG-/ rasS-rasG | rasSdecreased macropinocytosis
DBS0350688rdeA-/ acaA-acaA | rdeAincreased cAMP level | decreased sporulation
DBS0351475regA-/ [act15]: erkAerkA | regAdelayed slug development
DBS0351472regA-/ [act15]: regA(R588A,R589A,L594A,I595A,L596A)regAdelayed development
DBS0351284regA-/ [act15]: regA(S142A)regAaberrant fruiting body morphogenesis | precocious development
DBS0351283regA-/ [act15]: regA(S142E)regAdelayed development
DBS0351285regA-/ [act15]: regA(S413A)regAincreased mound size | delayed development
DBS0351286regA-/ [act15]: regA(S413E)regAincreased mound size | delayed development
DBS0351287regA-/ [act15]: regA(T676A)regAdelayed sporulation
DBS0351288regA-/ [act15]: regA(T676E)regAaberrant fruiting body morphogenesis | precocious development
DBS0350670regA-/ [regA]: regA(D212N)regAprecocious sporulation
DBS0350380regA-/ dhkD-dhkD | regAaberrant fruiting body morphogenesis
DBS0351473regA-/ regA(R588A,R589A,L594A,I595A,L596)regAprecocious sporulation | decreased mound size | increased protein binding | aberrant fruiting body morphogenesis
DBS0236891regA-/ tagB-regA | tagBdecreased sporulation
DBS0236892regA-/ tagC-regA | tagCdecreased sporulation
HM1451rev3-/ xpf-rev3 | xpfdecreased resistance to cisplatin
DBS0349937rgaA-/ ctxA-ctxA | rgaAaberrant cytokinesis | abolished protein localization to cleavage furrow
DBS0349936rgaA-/ gapA-gapA | rgaAaberrant cellular response to fluid shear stress | aberrant cytokinesis | abolished protein localization to cleavage furrow | increased cell motility
DBS0350401rgaA-/ gapA-gapA | rgaAdecreased protein localization to cleavage furrow | increased myosin II assembly | aberrant mitotic spindle organization | increased actin filament polymerization | decreased chemotaxis to cAMP | increased protein kinase activation
DBS0350406rgaA-/ gapA-/ [unk]: myc: gapA(R308E/ K317E)gapA | rgaAincreased protein kinase activation
DBS0350402rgaA-/ iqgC-iqgC | rgaAdecreased myosin II assembly | increased protein kinase activation
DBS0350770ripA-/ [act15]: GFP: rapA(G12V)rapA | ripAdecreased protein kinase activation
DBS0350115ripA-/ [act15]: GFP: rheb(Q64L)rheb | ripAincreased phagocytosis
DBS0350100roco4-/ [unk]: roco4(1018-1292(G1179S))roco4increased catalytic activity
DBS0350098roco4-/ [unk]: roco4(1018-1292(S1187A))roco4abolished catalytic activity
DBS0350099roco4-/ [unk]: roco4(1018-1292(S1189A))roco4decreased catalytic activity
DBS0350178rrpA-/ rrpB-/ rrpC-rrpA | rrpB | rrpCincreased gene expression | decreased gene expression
DBS0350189rrpA-/ rrpB-/ rrpC-/ [act6]: lacZ/ [RNAi]lacZrrpA | rrpB | rrpCabolished transitive RNA interference
DBS0350176rrpA-/ rrpC-rrpA | rrpCincreased gene expression | decreased gene expression
DBS0350187rrpA-/ rrpC-/ [act6]: lacZ/ [AS]lacZrrpA | rrpCaberrant production of siRNA involved in RNA interference
DBS0350182rrpA-/ rrpC-/ [act6]: lacZ/ [RNAi]lacZrrpA | rrpCabolished transitive RNA interference
DBS0350177rrpB-/ rrpC-rrpB | rrpCincreased gene expression | decreased gene expression
DBS0350185rrpB-/ rrpC-/ [act6]: lacZ/ [AS]lacZrrpB | rrpCaberrant production of siRNA involved in RNA interference
DBS0350184rrpB-/ rrpC-/ [act6]: lacZ/ [RNAi]lacZrrpB | rrpCabolished transitive RNA interference
DBS0350974sadA-/ [act15]: gpaHgpaH | sadAaberrant cytokinesis
DBS0349790sadA-/ [act15]: sadA(1-923): GFPsadAdecreased cell-substrate adhesion
DBS0349792sadA-/ [act15]: sadA(S924A/ S925A): GFPsadAwild type
DBS0349791sadA-/ [act15]: sadA(S924E/ S925E): GFPsadAdecreased cell-substrate adhesion
DBS0351566sbdS(1-30,TS18,31-274)/ [act15]: eIF(T56K)eIF6 | sbdswild type
DBS0351524scrA-/ [act15]: scrA(R177A,R179A,K180A,R183A,R184A,R187A,K190A,K191A,K194A)scrAdecreased bleb assembly | increased cellular localization | aberrant pseudopodium formation
DBS0351611scrA-/ [act15]: scrA(S287,290,301,335,339,384,388,389,430,432,433,437,440A)scrAaberrant pseudopodium formation
DBS0351522scrA-/ [act15]: scrA(S430A,S432A,S433A,S437A,S440A)scrAdecreased bleb assembly | increased cellular localization | aberrant pseudopodium formation
DBS0351523scrA-/ [act15]: scrA(S430D,S432D,S433D,S437D,S440D)scrAdecreased pseudopodium size
DBS0350063scrA-/ [tet]: scrA/ mhcA-mhcA | scrAaberrant cytokinesis
DBS0351610scrA-/ [tet]: scrA/ wasA-scrA | wasAaberrant cell motility | abolished vegetative growth | abolished bleb assembly | aberrant pseudopodium formation
DBS0238440scrA-/ [unk]: scrA(97-443): GFPscrAaberrant cytokinesis | increased vegetative cell size | decreased chemotaxis to cAMP | aberrant cytoskeleton organization
SB18scrA-/ napA-napA | scrAdecreased actin filament polymerization | decreased cell motility
SB7scrA-/ pirA-pirA | scrAdecreased vegetative cell size
DBS0350286sec1-/ sec1(M250L/ A296V/ M427L/ S435R/ K505N/ V552D/ H570Q)/ gppA: GFPgppA | sec1abolished contractile vacuole discharge
HM1093sgkA-/ sgkB-sgkA | sgkBdecreased resistance to carboplatin | decreased growth rate | decreased resistance to cisplatin
DBS0266513sigN(group1)-sigN1 | sigN105-1 | sigN2 | sigN25 | sigN3 | sigN4 | sigN5wild type
DBS0266514sigN(group2)-DDB_G0271820 | sigN10 | sigN11 | sigN12 | sigN14 | sigN6 | sigN7 | sigN8 | sigN9wild type
DBS0350860sir2D-/ [ecmAO]: lacZsir2Ddecreased prestalk cell differentiation
DBS0350861sir2D-/ [pspA]: lacZsir2Daberrant prespore cell differentiation
DBS0302657smlA-/ cnrN-cnrN | smlAdecreased fruiting body size
DBS0236940smlA-/ ctnA-ctnA | smlAincreased cell-cell adhesion
DBS0304496smlA-/ sslA1(CR11)smlA | sslA1increased fruiting body size
DBS0351063sodC-/ [unk]: rasG(C118A)rasG | sodCaberrant regulation of GTPase activity
DBS0236943spkA-1-/ spkA-2-spkA-1 | spkA-2decreased cell-substrate adhesion | aberrant cytokinesis | decreased mound size | decreased chemotaxis rate | decreased establishment of cell polarity | aberrant cell morphology | decreased fruiting body size
DBS0236944spkA-1-/ spkA-2-/ [act15]: spkA: FLAGspkA-1 | spkA-2aberrant aggregation | decreased chemotaxis rate | aberrant actin filament organization | decreased establishment of cell polarity
DBS0350582splB-/ pyk3-pyk3 | splBabolished gene expression | abolished protein localization to nucleus | aberrant sorocarp development | abolished protein phosphorylation
DBS0236948spnA-/ arkA-arkA | spnAdecreased gene expression | increased sorus size | decreased stalk length | delayed gene expression
DBS0350223stlA-/ stlB-stlA | stlBdecreased gene expression | increased gene expression | aberrant gene expression | decreased stalk width
DBS0350224stlA-/ stlB-/ [ecmA]: lacZstlA | stlBdecreased prestalk cell differentiation
DBS0350637tagB-/ [pkaC]: pkaCpkaC | tagBaberrant response to biotic stimulus | abolished spore cell differentiation
DBS0350672tagB-/ pkaR-pkaR | tagBdecreased sporulation
DBS0236974tagB-/ psmA1-psmA1 | tagBabolished sporulation
DBS0350442talA-/ sibA-sibA | talAwild type
DBS0304581talA-/ talB-talA | talBdevelopment arrests at loose mound stage | abolished cell-substrate adhesion | aberrant cytokinesis | abolished cell motility | increased bleb assembly
DBS0350713talA-/ talB-/ [act15]: talB(K16A)talA | talBdecreased cell-substrate adhesion
DBS0350712talB-/ [act15]: talB(K16A)talBdevelopment arrests at tipped mound stage
DBS0351501talB-/ pikB-pikB | talBaberrant cellular process
DBS0351148tgrB1-/ tgrB1(1-827): HAtgrB1development arrests at mound stage
AK1540tgrB1-/ tgrC1-tgrB1 | tgrC1development arrests at loose mound stage | abolished cell-cell self recognition | aberrant oscillatory cAMP signaling
AK1664tgrB1-/ tgrC1-/ alg9(-19ins)alg9 | tgrB1 | tgrC1decreased sporulation
AK1657tgrC1-/ (QS38|tgrC1)/ alg9(-19ins)alg9 | tgrC1delayed development | decreased fruiting body size | decreased sporulation
JS64tipA-/ tipB-/ [act15]: lacZtipA | tipBincreased mound size | increased number of mound tips | development arrests at mound stage
JS98tipA-/ tipC-/ [ecmA]: lacZtipA | tipCdevelopment arrests at loose mound stage
JS128tipA-/ tipD-/ [ecmA]: lacZtipA | tipDdevelopment arrests at loose mound stage
JS99tipB-/ tipC-/ [ecmA]: lacZtipB | tipCincreased number of mound tips | development arrests at tipped mound stage
JS129tipB-/ tipD-/ [ecmA]: lacZtipB | tipDincreased number of mound tips | development arrests at tipped mound stage
DBS0350729tipC-/ [unk]: tipC(2725-3848): GFPtipCdecreased fruiting body size
JS130tipC-/ tipD-/ [ecmA]: lacZtipC | tipDdevelopment arrests at loose mound stage
DBS0350507tpp1-/ stpA-stpA | tpp1wild type
DBS0351571vacA-/ vacB-/ vacC-vacA | vacB | vacCdecreased cell-substrate adhesion | decreased gene expression | decreased phagocytosis | aberrant phagosome maturation | decreased protein localization | aberrant protein localization
DBS0351313vasP-/ [act15]: abpB(129-295)abpB | vasPaberrant cellular process
DBS0351300vasP-/ [act15]: eYFP: vasP(S141A)vasPdecreased protein localization to cell cortex | wild type | decreased lateral pseudopodium retraction | decreased establishment of cell polarity | aberrant actin filament organization
DBS0351301vasP-/ [act15]: eYFP: vasP(S141D)vasPaberrant hyperosmotic response | decreased filopodium formation
DBS0350466vasP-/ [unk]: vasP(1-197: 221-380)vasPwild type
DBS0350467vasP-/ [unk]: vasP(1-261: 285-380)vasPdecreased cell motility | abolished filopodium formation
DBS0351537vasP-/ pirA-pirA | vasPincreased number of mound tips
DBS0351250vmp1-/ [act15]: vmp1(G268L): GFPvmp1aberrant aggregation | aberrant protein localization to autophagosome
DBS0237050warA-/ hbx2-hbx2 | warAincreased basal disc size | development arrests at mound stage | decreased prespore cell differentiation | increased prestalk O cell differentiation
DBS0351509wasA-/ [tet]: scrA/ [unk]: GFP: wasA(I173A/ F179A)scrA | wasAaberrant pseudopodium formation
DBS0351508wasA-/ [unk]: GFP: wasA(I173A/ F179A)wasAaberrant protein localization to trailing edge | decreased establishment of cell polarity
DBS0351185washc5-/ [act15]: washc5(N457D): GFPwashc5abolished exocytosis
DBS0350872wshA-/ [act15]: GFP: wshA/ [act15]: vatB: RFPvatB | wshAabolished endocytic recycling
DBS0350451wshA-/ atg1-atg1 | wshAwild type
DBS0350247wshA-/ fam21-/ [act15]: GFP: wshAfam21 | wshAaberrant lysosome organization
DBS0350058yakA-/ keaA-keaA | yakAwild type
DBS0351199yakA-/ pkaC-pkaC | yakAaberrant cellular response to stress
AK804yakA-/ pufA-pufA | yakAincreased protein kinase activity | increased protein level | aberrant fruiting body morphogenesis | increased growth rate | precocious development

Last updated July 28, 2024


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